
Educational institutions are focusing more on creating multi-use spaces where the teachers promote collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity as the norm. Group gathering areas, modular seating, and communication tools are a few ways a classroom can transform to fit the learning needs of individual students.

Teachers no longer lecture in front of rows of desks with a blackboard behind them, instead teachers and the classroom should provide students the tools they need for active learning. The seats, tables, and communication tools in a space should allow students to take control of their education. School isn’t just about spitting out the facts anymore, it’s about setting students up for success by mimicking flexible, collaborative, and blended environments that are present in the workplace.


Modern Classroom

The furniture in a flexible, collaborative classroom needs to encourage active learning through teamwork, hands-on experiences, and individual needs. Glassboards are a premium writing surface for everyday use and have the aesthetic for today’s spaces. Nexus creates a culture that supports collaboration, while empowering individuals through mobiles, porcelain boards, and tablets. 


Traditional Classroom

Leverage classic communication tools to inspire different types of interactive learning. Porcelain and cork surfaces are ideal for everyday use and transitioning between lectures, presentations, and group activities. Placing these tools around your classroom can easily create microzones for collaboration, without rearranging your classroom.



Physical Distancing

As schools open with new health regulations this year, it is important that tools are put in place to guide student behavior. Ghent’s physical distancing products safely separate students, but still allow for collaboration and communication in the classroom. 


Collaborative Learning Spaces & Makerspaces

Learning is not limited to the classroom anymore. Placing collaboration tools and functional furniture throughout your school extends the classroom and supports today’s student-centered, environment encouraged learning approach. Tackboards are great for posting school events and news. While, the Nexus IdeaWall creates space definition in common areas and provides a surface for students to work outside the classroom.







School offices are a space for teachers and administration to have a quiet spot to focus and also to have more personalized interactions with students. Consider relaxed seating options for visitors to create a natural environment that promotes openness. Cork and fabric tackboards make organization easy, while introducing textured materials. LINK Wedge powder-coated steel whiteboards are a playful way to write down ideas or communicate with students. 




School branding in athletic departments and recreation centers have an impact on school perception and outcomes like attendance and fundraising. Bring team spirit to your athletic facilities with custom whiteboards, cork boards, and Waddell display cases.