Across the Board: A Ghent Blog

Spring Interior Design & Colors

The way you design your home communicates something about who you are, and the same goes for your office. While homes and offices are very different, it’s still important to put thought into the look and feel of your workspace.

Mar 19, 2021


Cleanability of Surfaces

Open-offices are a constantly changing horizon, always adapting for the betterment of their business and team. Now that individuals are slowly returning to the office after many months working from home, how can we continue to make spaces both effective for collaboration while also being sanitary? 

Mar 12, 2021


Why Choose a Floor Partition Now?

While there are endless benefits to open workspaces, there will always be situations when a little added privacy is especially advantageous. That is why we created the Floor Partition, a new way to collaborate at work.

Feb 26, 2021


Recycling in the Workplace

For many of us, we know the importance of recycling in our homes. Similarly, recycling in the workplace is just as vital. It can save businesses money and also make for a more eco-conscious team. 

Feb 05, 2021


Why Do the Ergonomics of Whiteboards Matter?

The goal of office ergonomics is to design your workspace so that it benefits you and your team, offering a comfortable working environment that promotes maximum productivity and functionality. 

Jan 29, 2021



How Workspaces Retain Employees

Employing talented people and keeping them engaged with your company’s goals is critical for your success. To that end, it’s worthwhile to find ways to keep your employees satisfied and growing. Here are just a few ways you can transform your workplace to boost employee retention. 

Dec 18, 2020


Showroom VR Tour Spotlight

In the contact-free, touchless world we’re living in now, technology has been invaluable. Meetings completed remotely and digitally, touch-free check out at registers, doctor’s appointments through your computer are just a few ways we’ve all adapted.

Dec 04, 2020


Glassboards vs Whiteboards: Pros & Cons

Glassboards and whiteboards both help you host productive meetings and brainstorming sessions, but while their function may be similar, these materials have different advantages and drawbacks. To help you choose the right material for your office, learn more about these Ghent offerings below. 

Nov 20, 2020