Colors of the Year


Here at Ghent, our award-winning glassboards are offered in 18 standard hues and can even be made in any custom color, but to celebrate the beginning of 2024 and what will hopefully be an excellent year, we have followed the trend and selected our very own Colors of the Year for our glassboards.

We have chosen Denim and Terra (pictured below), two of our standard glassboard colors. Both were selected as they represent important parts of Ghent's brand identity. Terra, for example, signifies Ghent's commitment to being a source of constancy despite any change or challenge. On the other hand, Denim represents our desire to provide quality products and assurance.

The Colors

The trend for 2024 among other companies who select a Color of the Year has certainly been colors rooted in nature, and our choices are no exception.


Terra, at first glance, looks like a plain shade of brown, but beneath the surface, it is far more than that. Terra is an earthy, warmer shade of brown that takes on a peachy hue in more direct light. Terra brings a sense of solidity and grounding and embodies a strong connection to nature.


The warmth of Terra is balanced out by the cool, hazy blue of Denim. Denim toes the line between a light and dark blue and is a grayish, foggy tone. Denim's color, contrasting the rigidity of Terra, is lighter and more peaceful, which brings serenity to whatever space it enters.

The Trend

Color of the Year has been a big hit in the design community since its introduction 25 years ago, and many brands have participated. These colors reflect the previous year and serve as inspiration for the design community as we move forward into the new year. Here are our favorites for 2024!


Pantone, the original creator of the "Color of the Year" campaign, went with Peach Fuzz, for 2024, the 25th anniversary of the campaign. Their goal while searching was to "echo [their] innate yearning for closeness and connection," which led them to the vibrant and bright color.

Benjamin Moore

The paint company, Benjamin Moore, went with Blue Nova, a very deep blue that is both colorul and muted. Early on, Benjamin Moore wanted to achieve "depth and intrigue" but while still including a sense of "balance by undercurrent and reassurance".


Unlike the other colors, Behr went for a darker tone, Cracked Pepper, which is a soft black. With Cracked Pepper, Behr was looking for a hue that exuded trust, yet felt timeless. Cracked Pepper has lots of potential for versatiliy; the shade can serve as a bold, statement color, or simply as a backdrop.

Sherwin Williams

Sherwin Willaims was definetly hoping for a lighter new year with their choice. Upward is an extremely light blue that they descirbe as "relaxed" and "carefree". With Upward, Sherwin Willaims says they wanted to, "inspire positive energy, creative thinking, and contentment."

Wrap Up

With Terra and Denim as our selection, we look forward to a year full of inspiration and balance. Here's to a year filled with motivation, collaboration, and the boundless possibilities that Terra and Denim will bring to your creative endeavors.


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