Women in Leadership: An Interview with Karen Kurtz





Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do.

My name is Karen L. Kurtz and I am the Director of Administration. I've been with Ghent for 35 amazing years.
I share my focus between the financial health of Ghent’s accounts receivable and activities related to administration, culture, and family ownership.      

What advice would you give to young women entering this profession/industry?

With any profession, be open to possibilities—there are so many more career opportunities in the real world than what is learned in school. And, a tip that helps in any profession, pay attention to your leader’s preferred communication style. You will typically get better results if you align your ask with their preferred style.  

How do you balance your career, personal life, and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

I have a job I am very passionate about so, it is easy for me. My husband has also worked at Ghent since its beginning and is very passionate about his job as well. Our roles within the company are on our minds and part of our conversations daily.

Our good friends and family members also have a connection to the company. Our daughter grew up knowing Ghent, and now our Grandson is learning the impact the business has on us. So, Ghent is part of our lives both at work and away from work.    

What is an inspirational quote that is significant to you in your work life? What does it mean to you?

When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’ by Lao Tzu

I have found one of the best qualities of a good leader is listening. Another quality is to truly care about employees on a personal level. If you give trust, earn trust, are patient and kind, and give people the benefit of the doubt, they will feel like they matter and proudly do the work themselves. 

Who was/is your role model and/or leadership mentor?

Both George and Mark Leasure have been role models and leadership mentors to me. My most meaningful takeaway is what they've taught me about servant leadership. It comes easy to them; it is who they are. It has been a wonderful journey to observe and learn about servant leadership along the way.        

What advice would you give your 25-year-old self?

Discover your strengths and follow a career path that utilizes them. You will love what you do and do what you love, with no regrets!




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