Limelight: A Ghent Healthcare Blog

Enhance Your Hospital's Palette: Using Color in Facility Design

Today, modern hospitals are filled with rich color palettes, avoiding the monotony of having one single color rule the halls and rooms of any one facility.

Join VividBoard at the Healthcare Design Conference!

We're excited to see you at Healthcare Design again this year! Stop by VividBoard in booth 1237 to see the changes we've made to our Nightingale Award-winning InHarmony Changeable Glassboards and see our solution for Behavioral Health facilities.



The Power of Nature-based Designs in Healthcare Facilities

Why do many healthcare facilities incorporate nature-based designs? It’s a hospital design trend that has caught on over the years, but it’s not all about the aesthetics of nature

Coordinating Whiteboards and Wayfinding Creates a Complete Hospital Experience

The more you study the purpose and design of both wayfinding and patient boards, the more you begin to see the similarities between how patients interact with them.

Caring & Cleaning for your Dry Erase Board

Whether you use your dry erase board for brainstorming, note-taking, random doodles, or office announcements, you’re likely using it on a daily basis. With this amount of use, it’s not long before you realize the importance of caring for, cleaning, and maintaining your board.

Into the Lime Light: West Virginia University Hospital

West Virginia University Hospital approached VividBoard in 2015 with a small order for two (large) whiteboards that were to be placed in their nurses’ stations.

Key Patient Room Board Elements for Better Patient Engagement

Your whiteboards should help with communication, not hinder it. The experts at VividBoard help you create an incredible communication board by focusing on three key elements of your design.

An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Designing Hospital Whiteboards

You don’t have to be a professional designer or an expert in patient/provider communication to build your own custom whiteboards. Follow this easy, step-by-step guide.