Are Hospital Whiteboards the Right Prescription for Pain and Medication Management? Managing patient pain is one of the most important things hospitals can do to increase patient satisfaction and HCAHPS scores, especially for post-operative patients. Apr 30, 2020 READ
How Healthcare Whiteboards Help Solve the Patient Comfort Equation Comfort is one of the foundational pillars of patient satisfaction, and patient room whiteboards have become a helpful tool for care teams to provide the increasingly high level of comfort sought by patients in an age where healthcare is more competitive than ever. Apr 24, 2020 READ
Whiteboards Bring Both Functionality and Aesthetics to Hospitals There are two things that matter when it comes to healthcare design: function and aesthetics. Everything in a hospital serves a specific function, whether it makes a patient’s stay more pleasant or healthcare professionals' jobs easier. Both lead to better treatment and patient experiences, the goal for any facility. While everything placed within a hospital serves a specific function, the aesthetics of the object in question also play an important role. Apr 17, 2020 READ
Communication Solutions for Healthcare At GMi, the parent company of Ghent Healthcare, we provide communication tools that help all types of facilities communicate, collaborate and learn. During this difficult time in the world, we are here to support our healthcare partners and customers by providing custom, creative solutions for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Apr 03, 2020 READ
3 Ways Patient Rooms Boards Can Save Nurses Time To help your staff, particularly your nurses, save time and work more efficiently, purchasing a patient room whiteboards can help accomplish that goal. The whiteboards you place in patient rooms can serve as tools that help your nurses save time by becoming more efficient. This allows them to reduce their levels of stress and better care for patients. There are many ways the right whiteboards can help your facility accomplish this. Mar 31, 2020 READ
Don’t Let Your Patient Room Whiteboards Become a Means to Spread Infections Patient room whiteboards are frequently touched by nurses, physicians, patients and even visitors, which is why it’s so important to keep them clean. Thankfully, there are many different cleaners on the market that are suitable for cleaning and disinfecting whiteboards. Mar 13, 2020 READ
Using Patient Room Whiteboards to Meet the Six Domains of Health Care Quality To measure the quality of healthcare, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has created an analytical framework that includes six areas of focus. These “Six Domains of Health Care Quality” are the foundational pillars that healthcare facilities can follow to increase the quality of their care. They include: Feb 27, 2020 READ
How to Encourage Patients and Care Teams to Interact with Your Whiteboards The undeniable usefulness of patient room boards during treatment is well documented, but there still remains a problem for many facilities across the country: their whiteboards are not consistently used. Unfortunately, not all team members have the time to fill out whiteboard information fields. Others simply forget to use the board. No matter what the issue may be, there are several things a facility can do to encourage whiteboard use, allowing them to get the most out of their investment. Feb 20, 2020 READ
Confronting Memory Care Issues with Whiteboard Communication The loss of mental health capabilities is stressful for patients, their families and the people who care for them. As the population continues to age in the United States, and memory care units house and treat more patients with dementia and other mental health conditions, it has become more important than ever to find effective solutions for the major issues memory care patients face. Feb 12, 2020 READ