Limelight: A Ghent Healthcare Blog

Glassboards or Whiteboards: Which Are Right for Hospitals?

While both are capable of effectively displaying vital information to patients, the two types of whiteboards are not without their differences.

Reducing Patient Anxiety with Whiteboards

Read Our New White Paper: “How Effective Whiteboard Communication Mitigates the Dangers and Costs of Patient Anxiety”

The Importance of Having Easy-to-Clean Hospital Whiteboards

To prevent the spread of bacteria, many hospitals have turned to glass whiteboards because of they leave fewer places for bacteria to grow and thrive.

How to Design Patient Room Boards for Effective Communication

We’re here to help you design whiteboards that allow you to effectively communicate with patients, increase their satisfaction and help them get better.

The Most Effective Way to Raise HCAHPS Scores

Research has identified the most effective way hospitals can increase patient satisfaction and earn better HCAHPS ratings.

Hospitals Should Focus on Boosting Morale Amongst Nurses

National Nurses Week may be over, but we are still thankful for the more than 4 million nurses who work in hospitals and care centers across the country.

GMi Companies is all about ReInventing at NeoCon 2017

Lebanon, OH, May 2017 — GMi Companies announces their lineup of products being featured at NeoCon 2017, the World Expo of Office Furniture Solutions.

Using Whiteboards in the Labor and Delivery Unit

As Mother's Day approaches, we are turning our focus to how custom whiteboards can help in the labor and delivery unit.

4 Reasons to Appreciate Nurses During National Nurses Week

Tomorrow is National Nurses week! Why do nurses deserve so much love? Here are four reasons why everyone should thank a nurse this week!