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May 25, 2020
Hospital whiteboards are most commonly used in patient rooms, and for their good reason. Their ability to integrate into care plans and improve communication with patients is their most valuable capability. But using them as patient room boards for bedside communication is not the only way hospital whiteboards can be used. Hospitals can benefit from placing these custom whiteboards all over their facilities.
Outside of patient communication, there are various applications for a healthcare-focused whiteboard that helps providers and staff work and communicate with one another.
Behind the scenes in hospitals, whiteboards are commonly used as scheduling and tracking tools for surgical areas, emergency rooms, birthing centers and many other areas of the hospital. The custom fields and ease of swapping names in timeslot and rooms make whiteboards an ideal solution for tracking patients as they move throughout the facility. Whiteboards can be placed in a central location out of sight from the general public, where patient information can be safely displayed and remain easily accessible for doctors, nurses and other care team members.
Custom hospital whiteboards can also be designed and tailored for hospital admissions, allowing facilities to check for room and bed vacancies with ease. While many facilities use computer systems for this purpose, many admissions directors and employees agree that whiteboards make a great counterpart for these types of systems. When things are moving quickly, it is far easier to refer to a well-placed whiteboard than it is to locate a computer and navigate software to find available beds in a facility.
It’s no surprise that nurses are the ones who interact with and use whiteboards more than anyone else in hospitals, which is why nurses’ station are the ideal place outside of patient rooms to place a board. Nurses use whiteboards to track patient locations, schedules, allergies, fall risks and so much more.
Whiteboards can help nurses become more efficient, reduce their stress, and allow them to be more organized throughout the day. But not all whiteboards are created equal, and their qualities can vary. In order to increase efficiency, whiteboards at nurses’ stations need to be easy to use and clean. This will help keep nurses moving throughout the day without having to scrub their whiteboard clean. Easy-to-clean whiteboards are also better for HIPAA compliance, as ghosted and faded writing of patient names in public view can violate the law.
See how you can successfully implement whiteboards into your nurses’ stations.
From testing status to evaluations to schedules and so much more, a hospital laboratory is an ideal place for facilities to place a whiteboard. There is a lot of information to track when it comes to lab results, and crossover of that information between patients can lead to some bad results. To keep things organized and efficient, facilities turn to whiteboards to help them keep track of everything going in and out of the laboratory.
From general office spaces to conference rooms and all the way up to your executive boardroom, whiteboards have a place everywhere in the hospital. Custom colors and branding allow you to place a board in any office in your facility that perfectly matches your brand.
There is no limit to the areas you can place a whiteboard, and Ghent Healthcare is your one-stop-shop for every board you need for your facility. Contact us today for more information and pricing.
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