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Nov 22, 2019
When patients are in a hospital’s care, their safety is the number one priority for care teams. Many risks, from patient falls to hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are present during every hospital stay, and there are many ways in which care teams can address and mitigate them. While hospitals have changed their designs over the year to limit falls, infections and other risks, solid communication still remains one of the best ways hospitals can cut back on the risks patients face. That’s why custom whiteboards are so important to place in every facility, if not in every patient room. In many cases, whiteboards can help care teams reduce the risks patients face while staying in their facility. These are some of the ways your care providers can use custom whiteboards to mitigate inpatient risks.
The primary function and benefit of whiteboards is encouraging communication between patients and care team staff. Many accidents and risks faced in hospitals can be traced back to miscommunication either on the part of patients or providers, and whiteboards help bridge any gaps in communication that can occur.
Falls are not exactly rare in hospital settings, and they can cost facilities about $14,000 should they result in an injury. One common scenario involves patients refusing to or forgetting to ask nurses for help should they need it. Whether they just need assistance standing or need to use the bathroom, they are always at risk of falling. Whiteboards not only act as a gentle reminder that patients may need assistance standing up, they also provide the names of nurses, therapists and other care providers, making patients much more likely to ask for help rather than taking unnecessary risks.
Whiteboards can act as a secondary reminder of patient allergies (in conjunction with information bracelets and medical charts). Patients and nurses can fill out their known allergies on whiteboards, which can serve as a reminder when ordering meals, taking medications, etc.
Infection control is a large concern for every hospital, which is why it’s essential to invest in high quality, germ resistant materials that are easy to clean. Whiteboards that are made from high quality materials are easy to clean with hospital grade cleaners, alleviating the concern of them transferring and holding bacteria. Glass whiteboards are also a popular option because glass is nonporous, leaving fewer places for bacteria to thrive. Glass is simple to keep clean, extremely durable and an ideal solution for hospital whiteboards.
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