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Oct 17, 2016
Like any career, nursing has its share of issues. Usually relating to time constraints and patient communication, these issues can result in work related stress. Despite them, nurses still carry on working hard.
When you look at the numbers, it's easy to see that, although nurses value their jobs and responsibilities, there are times when the profession can become overwhelming. A 2011 survey by the American Nurses Association revealed that one of the concerns for nurses was stress and overwork - 74% cited this as a top concern.
Despite the heavy levels of stress associated with the job, a recent Harris Poll still revealed that 93% of nurses like their job, and 85% say they are unlikely ever to switch careers.
Despite heavy levels of stress, 12-plus hour work days and other top issues for nurses, the field is still growing. Nursing programs have seen an increase in enrollment since 2013.
So what can be done about the top issues that nurses cite as sources of stress? The most common issues are focused on time management and patient care, both of which can be improved by implementing and using hospital whiteboards.
Despite the increase in nursing school enrollment, a study by The American Journal of Medical Quality predicts that there will be a significant nursing shortage through 2030. These shortages of staff leave nurses with harsh time constraints and mandatory overtime, leaving them with the feeling that they are overworked and spread too thin.
Studies have shown that using whiteboards in the hospital setting can improve patient flow. They make it easier for nurses to facilitate timely referrals and better plan for discharges to expedite the process, particularly when writing discharge medication scripts.
According to the study, participants viewed the whiteboard as a vital tool that helped the multidisciplinary team communicate with each other. Erasure of the whiteboard at the end of the day signaled completion of the day's work.
A nurse's job performance is often heavily influenced by the HCAHPS scores given by patients. When looking at the top complaints from hospital patients, three of them directly relate to the lack of communication by nurses. Even when nurses effectively communicate care plans, medication schedules and discharge goals, patients can still struggle to remember the information.
Using hospital whiteboards as patient communication boards, nurses can effectively and clearly communicate with patients. Most importantly, the information stays there for the patient to absorb.
Studies have long demonstrated the effects of using whiteboards in the hospital setting, and 80% of nurses agree that whiteboards play a role in improving patient communication and care.
There's no doubt that nurses work hard, and people respect them as professionals. For the 14th year in a row, a 2015 Gallup poll said that nurses ranked the highest when it came to honesty and ethics.
To help nurses continue to help their patients, take a look at the effects that whiteboards have on communication and care. Better yet, take a look at why nurses love the whiteboards they use.
Looking to upgrade your hospital's whiteboards? Contact our team for more information and to get a free quote.
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