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Aug 17, 2016
The day-to-day treatment of hospital patients is where the most complaints and issues arise, ultimately leading to a decrease in patient satisfaction. After initial treatments, surgeries, etc., nurses and other hospital staff members rely on hospital dry erase boards to keep patients informed of their treatment plans and other critical information.
Here's how nurses and physicians can effectively incorporate custom whiteboards into their daily treatment plans.
35% of patient complaints stem from failed communications, according to a 2014-15 report. In the 2013-14 report, the number was 42%. Because each patient requires a different level of attention, attending to every person's needs and maintaining consistent lines of communication is rough challenge. And with two-thirds of nurses reporting that they have considered quitting due to stress, it's apparent that they are starving for an ample solution.
Using hospital whiteboards as communication tools has presented a new solution to this aging problem. Surveys by the Journal of Hospital Medicine have shown that nurses and patients are the most likely to benefit from the use of whiteboards in daily treatment plans.
Hospital whiteboards are, first and foremost, communication boards that open up new channels of engagement between physicians and nurses, nurses and patients, and even patients and their families.
The most beneficial bit of information that nurses can place on a whiteboard is contact information, which can include:
The primary physician's name and phone number
The names of the current nurses on duty
The patient's family contact information
It's even common for visiting family members and friends to leave messages on the board for patients to read when they wake.
Pain management is one of the primary reasons patients activate their call lights. While patients are on a strict schedule of pain medication, they often lose track of time and begin to wonder when they will receive their next dosage.
While the leading cause of call light reduction is rounding, it can be time-consuming. Using customized patient whiteboards, nursing staff can layout clear and concise pain management schedules for each patient, reducing the need for call light activation related to pain medication inquiries and increasing patient satisfaction.
Daily treatment requires numerous exchanges of information between nurses and patients. While contact information and pain schedules are two of the most important aspects, other information that should be included on custom whiteboards includes:
Expected discharge dates
Daily patient goals
Questions patients have for providers
Download our IdeaBook to see customized options for general, pediatric, rehab and labor/delivery patients.
Our VividDesign team can has worked with hospitals across the country to transform their ideal patient whiteboards into real solutions. The options are limitless, and it's easy to get started.
Contact our team today to begin designing your ideal whiteboard solution.
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