Colors in the Workspace


Why We Choose Our Colors for Our Glassboards Specifically


Color plays a vital role in design that goes far beyond aesthetics. Color tends to shape the way we feel in any given environment, influencing our emotions and invoking responses that can be essential or detrimental to a workspace. For this reason, it’s safe to say that the color of your office can actually affect the bottom line.

In a recent study from the University of Texas, researchers found that feelings of depression and sadness are most associated with bland colors such as white, gray, and beige–especially among women. In similar studies, statistics have shown that colors impact our productivity in a profound way, more so than just influencing our mood.

Color theory crash course

When it comes to choosing the right colors, Kerry Rowe, Ghent’s go-to color expert, with over 20 years of experience in color theory, advises us to “identify needs, relevant trends and inspiration to inform the outcome. I look for unique ways to differentiate a color, by understanding how materials and finishes can be used as a way to communicate a brand direction.”

First and foremost, our relationship to colors can be characterized by wavelength. Having this in mind, you’re well on your way to choosing the right colors for your office.

Low-wavelength colors would include green and blue, which tend to create a restful and calming environment that improves focus and efficiency. Who would’ve thought that nature’s landscape would be the perfect environment for happiness and effective work?

High-wavelength colors, such as red, invoke intensity and passion. While it can be alarming at times, it’s used in a work environment to increase your heart rate and blood flow. This is why red is used for fire trucks, fire extinguishers, and valentines day. If you’re looking to create urgency or a passionately engaged team culture, red might be your accent color of choice.

Medium-wavelength colors, such as yellow, have more of a fresh and energetic feel and are considered to by color psychologists to invoke optimism. This can be great when designing a creative and collaborative environment where artists, designers, writers, and other creative professionals can thrive.

How to color your workspace

In an effort to “create a space where my 25 employees are happy coming into work,” Serge Longin, founder of RevenueWell, added reddish-orange paint to accent a wall near the hallway. Having previously studied psychology and color theory at the Art Institute of Chicago, he knows the importance of color in the workspace and was able to apply these principles when his company moved to a new office in 2012. In addition to adding an accent wall in the hallway, he also added a subdued, charcoal-gray area with dark-colored couches and a television for his employees to disconnect from their busy environments.

There are a plethora of positive psychological effects that color can have on people in your workspace, many of which can range from enthusiastic and energetic, to calm and creative. Below, you’ll find how colors are used, and where you should use them:

Red, Orange
Colors like reds and oranges serve best as accent colors that are used conservatively throughout the workspace. This could be an entire accent wall, or other accessories and decor. While these colors do a great job and raising your heart rate and levels of passion, too much can invoke an environment of stress or hostility. These are best used in transit areas such as a hallway or areas like a bathroom or kitchen where people spend a limited amount of time.

If you want to avoid a boring or stale environment, you can raise a sense of happiness by adding yellows and other bright accents throughout. In color psychology, yellow is associated with cheerfulness and has been known to increase self-esteem. Much like reds and oranges, yellows should be used sparingly in / on areas such as accent walls, accessories, and furniture. If used too much, the environment can be irritating, so be sure to compliment your yellows with a balancing color such as light blue.

Blue, Green
You’ve probably noticed that these two colors dominate the outside landscape, and that’s no accident. Blue and green are calming colors that create a restful work environment, and it’s been shown that people who deal with anxiety and depression tend to feel better when they’re outdoors. So why not offer the same experience inside? You can do this by adding greenery and fresh plants into your office. In a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers found a connection between the color green and creativity. In the study, those shown the color green before being given a creative task ended up performing better.

Give your color some functionality

In addition to increasing sunlight and offering a modern and sleek appearance in the office, glassboards can also give the color scheme in your workspace a whole new level of functionality, and can be used to divide spaces while maintaining an open feeling throughout. At Ghent, our glassboards are offered in 18 standard colors, and can be enhanced with custom graphics or include company branding and logos. In fact, when designing our glassboards, we intentionally chose hues which make it easier for your audience to look at what’s on the board without straining their eyes. Coloring your workspace can be as simple as installing a new glassboard rather than painting a whole wall, which is a major money-saver for most companies.


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